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Spotting a business for sale for acquisition purposes   arrow

One may seek to acquire a business in order to make money quickly. They may believe that acquiring a business entails less risk compared to starting a new business altogether.

When considering which business to acquire, one must consider what factors will impact their decision. Factors such as location and budget may influence the decision of what business one seeks to acquire. If one seeks to acquire a business that is far from their place of residence, they may have to relocate. One must consider if they are prepared to move to another town and consider how far (if at all) they are willing and content to move. One must also consider how much capital they can expend to acquire a business. This can help a person eliminate potential choices from the get go. The initial asking price usually is different from the final sale price for any given business. It is essential to negotiate to find the best possible price. Additionally, one must consider what type of business best meets the goals they seek to accomplish.

Discovering a business

The two approaches to discovering a business to acquire are to contact business owners whose businesses are currently not being sold actively or to aim for businesses that are reputable for being available on the market. One must realize that contacting owners of businesses that are currently not advertising a sale does not mean that the business cannot be acquired. One may realize that advertisements of businesses for sale online as well as within U.S. trade magazines. This can serve as a starting point, with the caveat that one can be confronted with a lot of competition to acquire the ideal business. An individual can hire an intermediary to represent them when arranging to contact a business owner. If, for example, a person utilizes the services of a business broker, h/she can access the broker’s expertise and experience. One must bear in mind the fact that brokers and other such intermediaries charge a fee for their services.

Conducting due diligence

It is essential for an individual to do their homework, or due diligence, when considering to acquire a business. The process of conducting due diligence entails assuring that the business matches the description provided in an advertisement, a website, or an owner. The process may require the services of an attorney or accountant to screen potential businesses you are interested in acquiring. Once you have found a few businesses you are interested in acquiring, it is essential to do your own due diligence. If one seeks to save money, they likely would refrain from consulting attorneys, accountants, or other such professionals at this juncture. One can access contracts and accounts of the businesses they are interested to acquire by signing a confidentiality agreement with the business owner. The business owner would likely refrain from sharing any sensitive information with anyone without the execution of a confidentiality agreement in order to prevent the information they share from becoming public knowledge.

Prior to acquiring a business, an individual should find out as much as they can about the business, the services offered by the business, and consumers’ perception off the business. Conducting your own due diligence can help narrow down the list of potential businesses to acquire to one or two businesses. At this juncture, an individual may want to hire attorneys, accountants, and other such professionals to conduct an official due diligence process of the top two businesses.