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Glossary – H   arrow

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Protecting oneself against negative outcomes.

Highest and best use
The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property, which is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value. [Appraisal Institute]

Highest and best use (financial) analysis
A determination of the highest and best use of one or more sites (either vacant or as though vacant) or properties as improved by examining the profitability of all possible use scenarios (including renovation, rehabilitation, demolition, and replacement).

Hotel Market Intelligence
This is the gathering, analysis and dissemination of information that is relevant to the hotel market. This information is supposed to help owners make decisions with regards to the hotel’s room nights. It helps determine whether the price of the hotel is performing well and how the hotel compares to its competitors.

Hotel Reservations
This includes Group Pickups as well as Transient events.

Hotel Yield Management
This is the process that involves understanding and reacting to consumer behavior in order to maximize potential profits. This is also known as Hotel Revenue Management.

This is a report that provides historical booking data from the Global Distribution System (GDS) made electronically.